As the cold season approaches, it’s only a matter of time until we experience the unpleasant symptoms of a runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, and coughing. The good news is that there are numerous natural remedies backed by science and tradition that can enhance your immune system to prevent and combat the common cold effectively.

What is the common cold?

The common cold is an infection caused by a virus that affects the nose and throat. It spreads when a person carrying the virus sneezes or coughs, and you breathe in the droplets. This can happen if you’re near someone who is infected, especially when you’re inside and close to each other.

Cold symptoms can vary and may include a sore throat, runny nose, cough, and congestion. Sometimes, people also get bacterial infections in their ears or sinuses. Although colds can be uncomfortable, they’re not usually serious, and most people recover within a week.

Adults may catch a few colds each year, but you can take steps to lower your chances of getting one. There are many natural ways to prevent and treat colds that have been proven effective.

Natural cold remedies

There are many natural remedies that can help alleviate cold symptoms without resorting to over-the-counter medications. Here are some effective options:

Raw honey

A powerful natural remedy that is antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory. It can soothe a sore throat and reduce coughing by reducing inflammation and soothing irritated mucus membranes. Take a couple tablespoons of raw honey plain, or add it to a cup of hot herbal tea or lemon water.

Lemon juice

A natural antiseptic and rich in citric acid, which helps break up mucus and kill bacteria and viruses in the throat. Mix one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice with one tablespoon of raw honey in a mug, and fill with hot water to make a soothing lemon water for a sore throat.


Another antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory remedy. It can help fight infections and reduce pain and inflammation. Steep a 2-inch piece of fresh ginger (thinly sliced) in boiling water to make a ginger tea. Add a tablespoon or two of honey if you’d like.

Raw garlic

Effective at preventing colds due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Crush a garlic clove to release its beneficial compounds and eat it raw, mixed with a tablespoon of honey or worked into a salad dressing or pesto.

Apple cider vinegar

It alkalizes the body, which helps it fight against viruses and bacteria. Take a tablespoon straight, mix it with water and/or honey, or add it to a salad dressing. ACV can also help calm a cough. Try a homemade cough remedy made of ACV, honey, ginger, lemon, and cayenne.

Bone broth

Rich in healing minerals and anti-inflammatory collagen that help the body fight off and heal from colds. Make homemade bone broth and have a cup of it several times a day.

Oil of oregano

A potent essential oil that can kill bacteria and viruses. Take several drops a couple times a day, or use it in a cold-busting shot.

Fire cider

A potent immune-boosting elixir made with onions, garlic, ginger, turmeric, chili, and horseradish. It takes a few weeks to prepare, but it can be ready for cold/flu season each year.

Saltwater gargling

A simple sore throat remedy that works by drawing out liquid from mucus membranes in the throat, clearing phlegm, and reducing swelling. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and gargle a few times a day.

How to prevent and heal colds the natural way

Here are some tips for preventing and healing colds naturally:

Avoid sugar and gluten

Both sugar and gluten can suppress the immune system and cause inflammation, which weakens the body’s ability to fight off infections. It’s best to limit these foods even when you’re not sick, but it’s especially important to avoid them when you’re trying to recover from a cold.

Eat a healthy, whole food diet

Eating a diet rich in vegetables and minimally processed foods can help prevent illness and speed up recovery when you do get sick. When you’re feeling under the weather, focus on nutrient-dense, easy-to-digest foods like broth and green juice.

Take a daily probiotic

A healthy gut microbiome is essential for a strong immune system. Taking a daily probiotic and incorporating fermented foods into your diet can help repopulate your gut with healthy bacteria.

Reduce stress and think positively

Mental stress and negativity can weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to illness. Try stress-reducing techniques like meditation, regular exercise, and gratitude.

Get enough vitamin D

Vitamin D is crucial for a healthy immune system, but many people are deficient in it. Try to get 30 minutes of midday sun each day or take vitamin D3 supplements (after consulting with your doctor).

Drink plenty of fluids

Staying hydrated is important for fighting infection and replacing fluids lost through fever and mucus production. Drink clear liquids like water, broth, and herbal tea, and avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can dehydrate you.

Get plenty of rest

Your body needs extra rest when you’re sick, so don’t push yourself too hard. Take naps and go to bed early to help your body heal.

Stay active

Regular exercise can help prevent illness, but avoid vigorous activity when you’re sick as it can delay healing.

By following these natural remedies, you can help prevent colds and recover more quickly if you do get sick.