When you wake up, taking a glass of water is necessary, since our body needs to flush out all the harmful materials it has contained in the nighttime. So instead of drinking coffee or tea, try drinking lemon water, which does the job even better.

Here are 5 reasons to convince you that having a glass of lemon water after waking up has a significant impact on your health.

Source of Vitamin C

Lemons and other citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, a vital antioxidant that helps protects cells from harmful free radicals. In addition, vitamin C takes part in the production of hormones, iron absorption, and collagen synthesis in your body.

Insufficient vitamin C intake can cause symptoms like:

  • greater possibility to get infections
  • dryness of the skin, mouth, and eyes
  • exhaustion
  • insomnia
  • loosening of the teeth

Lemons are a good source of vitamin C even if they aren’t at the top of the list of citrus fruits. You can get 21% of the DV for vitamin C by adding 48 grams of lemon juice(one lemon) to a glass of water.

Benefits for Kidney Stones

Kidney stones benefit from lemon water. Hard deposits consisting of minerals and salts that develop inside the kidneys are referred to as kidney stones (also known as renal calculi, nephrolithiasis, or urolithiasis).

It is well known that the solutes citrate, potassium, and magnesium are anti-lithogenic (avoid the formation of stones). Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, grapefruit, and limes as well as non-citrus fruits like melon are natural sources of dietary citrate, according to a CLU Working Group report. These fruits and/or their juices may increase urine citrate levels, according to numerous studies. Citrate levels in fresh lemon, lime, and orange fruits are shown in the chart below in comparison.

Lemon Water for Losing Weight

Although the effect of lemon water is minimal, it is a factor in weight loss. A fall in total body weight brought on by either voluntary or involuntary conditions is referred to as weight loss. Dietary soluble fiber consumption has been linked to weight loss. The 0.3g of total dietary fiber in 100g of lemon juice provides a modest contribution to the daily recommended consumption of 40 g of fiber, while it won’t significantly change anything. But more importantly, if lemon juice encourages and urges people to drink more water, it will help them consume fewer calories throughout the day.

Huge Role in the Immune System

Lemon water is beneficial for the immune system. Inflammation is one component of the body’s immune response, and serious inflammation results in caused damage. Citrus fruits have been researched and examined for their main bioactivities on inflammation and immunity. They are said to contain micronutrients and other bioactives which are shown to decrease oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and support innate and acquired immune responses. Vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and fiber are just a few of the nutrients and bioactives found in lemon juice and, therefore, lemon water.

Helps with Digestion

The digestive system consists of the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract), as well as the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. The GI tract is a series of interconnected hollow organs that extends from the mouth to the anus. The digestive process, which starts in the mouth, is essential for the body to obtain the energy it needs. Researchers have come to the conclusion that 40 ml of pure citrus juice improved swallowing and appeared to increase salivation. They claim that flavonoids stimulate the peristaltic action, stimulate the digestive tract, and boost the release of digestive juices, bile, and acids.

Although there isn’t conclusive scientific evidence indicating how much lemon water should be drunk, so even little amounts will help to stimulate the digestive system.