The things that bring us the most joy in life can also be the scariest. Like when you have a big interview that could land you an amazing new job, when you move to a new city to follow your dreams, or when you gather the courage to ask someone out in the hopes of starting a fulfilling relationship.

It’s totally normal to doubt yourself when faced with a challenge, no matter how capable you are. You might think, “I don’t have enough skills for this job,” or “I’ll never make any friends in this new city,” or “She’s never going to like me, so why bother asking her out?” It’s only natural to want to avoid failure when we’re striving for success.

But here’s the thing: confidence is key when it comes to conquering challenges and achieving success. So instead of being afraid, try to believe in yourself and your abilities. You might be surprised at what you can accomplish!

Competence Cannot go Without Confidence

When it comes to achieving success, confidence is just as important as competence. Studies have shown that people who truly believe in their ability to succeed are more likely actually to achieve their goals and build strong relationships.

For instance, a study conducted at the University of California-Berkeley found that people who are overconfident in incorrect information are more effective in gaining their peers’ trust and respect than those who lack confidence in the correct information. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should go around spreading false information, but it does highlight the power of self-belief in social situations.

In the business world, self-belief can also have a significant impact on outcomes. Some managers even suggest implementing confidence measures as part of the hiring and performance review process. They recognize that the ideal employee not only has the necessary skills but also the confidence to convey those skills when it matters most.

Our own belief in our ability to succeed plays a crucial role in how things play out for us in life. Psychologist Albert Bandura has studied the impact of self-belief on how people approach goals and challenges. He found that a person’s view of their own ability greatly influences their success in achieving goals and overcoming obstacles.

Moreover, levels of self-belief also affect the choices we make, such as applying for a new job or asking someone out on a date. People with higher self-belief view challenging situations as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than something to avoid.

So What’s Holding Us Back?

Confidence is crucial for success, but why do we sometimes lack it? What holds us back from feeling confident all the time, even when we know it would benefit us?

One common culprit is perfectionistic thinking. We may be afraid to speak up, take risks, or take action because we fear not doing it perfectly or failing altogether. We might hesitate to share a new idea or answer a question unless we’re absolutely certain that we’re right. We may even avoid applying for a job or promotion if we don’t meet every single requirement.

Unfortunately, this is especially true for women, who often underestimate their abilities and hesitate to take risks as a result.

Interestingly, psychologists now believe that taking risks, failing, and persevering through challenges are actually critical components of developing confidence. So, even though a lack of confidence may hold us back from taking action, it’s important to recognize that these experiences can ultimately help us build confidence in the long run.

Confidence Is a Skill That Can be Learned

Recent studies on brain plasticity show that our brains can physically change in response to new experiences, thoughts, and behaviors. This means that we can train ourselves to think and act with more confidence in challenging situations.

There are several ways to cultivate confidence, let’s take a look at some of them.

Seeking opportunities to practice and succeed in challenging tasks

Research has shown that successfully completing difficult tasks can boost our belief in our ability to achieve similar success in the future. For instance, if we practice public speaking regularly, we can become more comfortable and confident with it.

Watching and learning from successful examples

This can also increase our confidence. Seeing others achieve their goals can inspire us to believe in our ability to do the same.

Building a positive support network

Another way to boost confidence. Encouragement from people we trust can help us to believe in our skills and abilities.

Recognize and redirect our unconfident feelings

How we interpret and react to our feelings about a challenge can greatly influence our confidence in performing. For example, if we feel nervous before a presentation or performance, we can choose to interpret the feeling as excitement instead of nervousness.

By practicing these strategies to enhance our self-belief, we can increase our confidence in achieving our goals and overcoming challenges.