Dark under-eye circles are often a source of frustration for many individuals, and while sleep deprivation is a common culprit, it is not always the sole cause. This article aims to delve deeper into the reasons behind under-eye circles and discover their true implications. With effective remedies available, let’s explore how we can address this issue and overcome this bothersome condition.

Why do under-eye circles show up?

Dark circles are often attributed to lack of sleep, but this is not always the case.

The skin below our eyes is thinner, making it more susceptible to showing blood vessels. Additionally, some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to thin under-eye skin, and as we age, our skin loses elasticity, worsening the appearance of dark circles.

Allergies, sinus problems, and smoking can contribute to under-eye puffiness and dark circles by affecting circulation. Interestingly, sensitivity to skincare or make-up products containing allergens can also aggravate this issue.

Reducing the dark circles the natural way

Reducing the underlying causes and appearance of dark circles can be achieved through some natural remedies:

Proper nutrition and hydration

Eating a balanced diet rich in whole and anti-inflammatory foods, including plenty of leafy greens can combat dark circles. Staying hydrated by drinking at least 2/3 of your body weight in ounces of water per day can also help.

Good sleep

Establishing healthy sleep patterns that get us both the quantity and quality of sleep we need is essential. Sleeping on your back with your head slightly elevated can reduce fluid pooling in your face and decrease the appearance of dark circles.


Managing stress and keeping our body in a relaxed, healthy state can reduce dark under-eye circles caused by swelling due to stress hormones.

Almond oil

Sweet almond oil contains vitamin A, an antioxidant effective in treating dark under-eye circles. It also helps to moisturize and soften the delicate under-eye skin. Before bed, each night, gently massage a few drops of almond oil into the skin beneath your eyes.

Tea bags

Steeping caffeinated black tea bags in boiling water for a couple of minutes and then cooling them in the refrigerator for 20 minutes can be used as a cold compress to reduce dark circles. The caffeine in tea bags constricts blood vessels, and the antioxidants and tannins soothe and tighten the skin around your eyes.

Cold compress

A cool, damp washcloth, a chilled spoon, or a chilled jade facial roller can help to reduce under-eye puffiness and dark circles by shrinking the dilated blood vessels causing them.

Gua sha

Gua sha is an ancient Chinese facial therapy that reduces puffiness, aids detoxification, and may reduce the appearance of dark under-eye circles and fine lines. Using a carved jade or rose quartz gua sha facial tool to gently massage the skin around your eyes can be effective.

Natural under-eye concealer

On days when natural remedies are not enough, a gentle moisturizer or eye cream can be applied before concealer and then set with powder. Patting, not rubbing, the concealer into the skin using your ring finger is best.